A glance at our Quality control Department

“Beauty lies in the eye of a beholder.” Here at Daffy, we have mastered the art & science by creating a distinguished Quality Control Department, a beautiful site to watch & work.

Quality control of cosmetic and personal care products at Daffy aims to assure that the products will be of consistent quality appropriate to their intended use.

Each department has its bifurcated area. The QC lab is specially designed with all the equipment and essential elements. The stages are well defined & involvement & commitment of those who are concerned is mandatory. These stages are crucial to achieve the aim from the start of the manufacturing till the distribution of the finished product.

Since the Quality Control Department has the responsibility and authority to approve or reject raw materials, intermediate and finished products, the Department must operate with complete freedom concerning production demands.

Quality control operations must have well-equipped laboratories, competent personnel, validated testing procedures, and proper documentation. In addition to cleanliness and proper machinery, quality control also emphasises controlling raw materials, intermediate, bulk, and finished products. Each raw material should be tested for conformity to specification. To ensure batch uniformity and integrity, in-process control must be conducted. For each batch of a finished product, there should be appropriate laboratory determination of satisfactory conformance to the finished product specification before release.

Buckle up for a verbal tour:-

On the 2 story lies a site where all the products are evaluated and made safe for your use. Alongside, the department is run by our QC expert and is maintained by the entire staff. On entering, there is a spacious place for our personnel to sit and work. In the centre lies the heart of the department. The entire space is made available for all forms of chemical evaluations. Also, the centre space is where the products and raw materials are evaluated daily. The instrumental analysis room is on the department area’s left side. The personnel here certify the ingredients and products as safe to use. As important as it is for us to stay away from microbes and viruses, so are our products. We have a special sector for microbiological testing to ensure safety from microorganisms. All the products are tested for microbial contamination and stability to ensure a longer shelf life.

Some important rules to follow:-

Only authorized persons are allowed in the department. There are some strict rules to be followed:-

  1. One should wear a lab coat and head cap before entering the department
  2. Proper hand sanitization should be done
  3. Before entering the microbiology department, one should be prepared to gown as per instructions
  4. Face mask and gloves should be worn to avoid any contamination
  5. Standard operating procedure to be followed

Hi-tech Equipment:-

  1. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) :- High-performance liquid chromatography, formerly referred to as high-pressure liquid chromatography, is a technique in analytical chemistry used to separate, identify, and quantify each component in a mixture. (HPLC) is the most commonly used separation and analysis technique for determining preservatives in skin care creams. HPLC involves the consumption of large quantities of organic solvents in the mobile phase. Our lab has the latest version of the equipment. We are the first manufacturers in Bangalore to have such equipment.
  2. IR Infrared spectrometer:-
    An infrared spectrometer analyses a compound by passing infrared radiation, over a range of different frequencies, through a sample and measuring the absorptions made by each type of bond in the compound. This produces a spectrum, normally a ‘plot’ of % transmittance against wave number.
  3. UV spectrophotometer:- UV spectroscopy or UV–visible spectrophotometry (UV–Vis or UV/Vis) refers to absorption spectroscopy or reflectance spectroscopy in part of the ultraviolet and the full, adjacent visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Being relatively inexpensive and easily implemented, this methodology is widely used in diverse applied and fundamental applications. The Lab is equipped with the latest instrument of UV spectrophotometer. With a small footprint and no warm-up time required, full-spectrum scans take just one second. Our spectrophotometers utilise a combination of array technology and a long-lasting xenon lamp.

Conclusion:- We deliver one-stop solutions for all forms of testing and safety analysis at our labs. We provide safe and healthy products to our clients, ensuring they fulfil all their requirements and necessities.

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